The following are all the island commands. Some may require you to be a higher rank on the island.
/is accept <name> - Accept an invite to join another island.
/is balance - View your island bank balance.
/is ban <name> - Ban a user from your island.
/is bank - Deposit and withdraw money from the island bank.
/is biome - Change the island’s biome.
/is border - Change the colour of the island border.
/is chest - Opens the island’s chest.
/is close - Close the island to the public
/is coop <name> - Add a player as a co-op to your island.
/is counts - View block counts of your island.
/is create - Create a new island.
/is delwarp - Delete an island warp.
/is demote - Demote an island member.
/is deposit - Deposit money into an island bank.
/is disband - Delete your island.
/is expel - Kick a visitor off your island.
/is fly - Toggle island fly.
/is help <#> - View all island commands.
/is invite - Invite a person to join your island.
/is kick - Remove a member from the island.
/is lang - Change the language of the island commands.
/is leave - Leave the island.
/is members - View the island’s members.
/is missions - View missions.
/is name - Change the name of your island.
/is open - Open the island to the public.
/is panel - View island panel.
/is panel toggle - Switches between /is teleporting you to your island spawn or opening the panel.
/is promote - Promote an island member.
/is rate <name> - Rate a players island
/is ratings - View your ratings.
/is recalc - Recalculate your island's value.
/is setrole <name> <role> - Change the role of a member of your island.
/is settings - Opens island settings menu.
/is setteleport - Set the spawn of your island.
/is setwarp <name> <category> - Create a warp to your island.
/is show - Get information about your island.
/is team - Get information about your team.
/is teamchat <message> - Toggle or send messages to team chat.
/is top - View the top islands.
/is teleport - Teleport to your island.
/is transfer - Transfer ownership of your island.
/is unban - Unban a player from your island.
/is uncoop <name> - Uncoop a player
/is upgrades - Open the island upgrade menu.
/is value <block> - Get the value of a block.
/is visit - Visit another player's island.
/is warp <name> - Visit an island warp.
/is warps - View all island warps.
/is withdraw - Withdraw money from island bank.
Last updated
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